- Live Webcast Auction
- Surplus
Oregon Tool #2
10:00 AM
By Appointment Only with ryan@cia-industrial.com
Plastic Machinery
- 110 Ton Arburg Model 420 C1000-350 Injection Molding Machine
- (2) 88 Ton Arburg Model 470A800-400 Injection Molding Machines (2010/11)
- (2) 80 Ton Engel Model ES240/80 Injection Molding Machines
- 3-Station Colortronic Model MK-CDK Material Loader
- 10 HP Cincinnati Milacron Model CM0912 Plastic Granulator
- (5+) Temp Controllers by AEC, Budzar and DME
- (3) 12″ x 20″ Okamoto Model OGM1220PB CNC Universal Cylindrical Grinder
Heat Treat, Lab and Related
- 1,900 Degree Pacific Type P.K.M 75 ERT Gas Fueled Quench Furnace
- 1,000 Degree Wisconsin Oven Model SBH-224-10/EP Electric Batch Oven
- 750 Degree Blue M Model POM-167EX Electric Oven
- 650 Degree Precision Quincy Model X2-8-483648 Electric Hi-Temp Cabinet Oven
- 175 KW Inductotherm VIP 175-30 R Dual-Trak Induction Furnace Control
- Quincy Lab Model 10-200 Lab Oven
- Thermal Scientific Model Sorvall ST 8 Benchtop Centrifuge (2015)
Blast Machine, Parts Cleaners and Spinners
- 18″ Diameter x 28″ Wheelabrator Tumblast
- JS Mannor Model JS-20-D14 Hot Oil Parts Cleaner
- (2) New Holland Model K-90 Centrifugal Spin Dryers
Ceramics Department
- (5) Tub Slurry System
- Shell-O-Matic Rainsander
- Motoman Model YR-ES165N 6-Axis Robot
- Ceramic Auto Air Fluidizer System
- 5 HP Vac-U-Max Bulk Material Handling System
- 5 HP Baghouse Dust Collection System
Plant Support
- (5) HD Material Carts
- Ballymore PS-10 Personnel Lift
- (5) Bridge Cranes and Jib Cranes by Gorbel and Spanco
- (2) Electric Chain Hoists
Buyer’s Premium: 18% in effect for all purchases
Times Posted: All posted Auction start or ending times are local at the address for the Auction. For example, if the auction is in New York time is Eastern, Chicago time is Central, California time is Pacific.
Step 1: Register to bid via the “Bid Online” link above.
Step 2: You will receive an email from a representative at CIA Industrial (search @cia-industrial in your inbox or spam). We will send these forms out starting about 2 weeks prior to the Auction date every morning and evening.
Step 3: The email from the CIA Industrial rep will contain forms to fill out which can either be signed digitally via Sign Now or printed and scanned/faxed back.
- If you are located inside the U.S. fill out the information on the forms that you have readily available, and documentation agreeing to the removal terms. If you don’t have some of the information, just put N/A and we will contact you if we decide we need more.
- If you are located outside the U.S. or have NEGATIVE FEEDBACK on your profile you will need to provide a deposit. Information on how to make this deposit will be included in the email from the CIA Industrial rep. These deposits are refundable if no purchases are made at the Auction and will be returned within 48 hours.
Once we receive the returned forms or required deposit, we will approve you to bid.
CIA Industrial reserves the right to reject Bidders at their sole discretion.
Removal information will be posted approx. 2 weeks before each sale, please check back then. If you have any questions that need to be answered prior to that please call or email us.
Plastic Machinery
- 110 Ton Arburg Model 420 C1000-350 Injection Molding Machine
- (2) 88 Ton Arburg Model 470A800-400 Injection Molding Machines (2010/11)
- (2) 80 Ton Engel Model ES240/80 Injection Molding Machines
- 3-Station Colortronic Model MK-CDK Material Loader
- 10 HP Cincinnati Milacron Model CM0912 Plastic Granulator
- (5+) Temp Controllers by AEC, Budzar and DME
- (3) 12″ x 20″ Okamoto Model OGM1220PB CNC Universal Cylindrical Grinder
Heat Treat, Lab and Related
- 1,900 Degree Pacific Type P.K.M 75 ERT Gas Fueled Quench Furnace
- 1,000 Degree Wisconsin Oven Model SBH-224-10/EP Electric Batch Oven
- 750 Degree Blue M Model POM-167EX Electric Oven
- 650 Degree Precision Quincy Model X2-8-483648 Electric Hi-Temp Cabinet Oven
- 175 KW Inductotherm VIP 175-30 R Dual-Trak Induction Furnace Control
- Quincy Lab Model 10-200 Lab Oven
- Thermal Scientific Model Sorvall ST 8 Benchtop Centrifuge (2015)
Blast Machine, Parts Cleaners and Spinners
- 18″ Diameter x 28″ Wheelabrator Tumblast
- JS Mannor Model JS-20-D14 Hot Oil Parts Cleaner
- (2) New Holland Model K-90 Centrifugal Spin Dryers
Ceramics Department
- (5) Tub Slurry System
- Shell-O-Matic Rainsander
- Motoman Model YR-ES165N 6-Axis Robot
- Ceramic Auto Air Fluidizer System
- 5 HP Vac-U-Max Bulk Material Handling System
- 5 HP Baghouse Dust Collection System
Plant Support
- (5) HD Material Carts
- Ballymore PS-10 Personnel Lift
- (5) Bridge Cranes and Jib Cranes by Gorbel and Spanco
- (2) Electric Chain Hoists
Buyer’s Premium: 18% in effect for all purchases
Times Posted: All posted Auction start or ending times are local at the address for the Auction. For example, if the auction is in New York time is Eastern, Chicago time is Central, California time is Pacific.
Step 1: Register to bid via the “Bid Online” link above.
Step 2: You will receive an email from a representative at CIA Industrial (search @cia-industrial in your inbox or spam). We will send these forms out starting about 2 weeks prior to the Auction date every morning and evening.
Step 3: The email from the CIA Industrial rep will contain forms to fill out which can either be signed digitally via Sign Now or printed and scanned/faxed back.
- If you are located inside the U.S. fill out the information on the forms that you have readily available, and documentation agreeing to the removal terms. If you don’t have some of the information, just put N/A and we will contact you if we decide we need more.
- If you are located outside the U.S. or have NEGATIVE FEEDBACK on your profile you will need to provide a deposit. Information on how to make this deposit will be included in the email from the CIA Industrial rep. These deposits are refundable if no purchases are made at the Auction and will be returned within 48 hours.
Once we receive the returned forms or required deposit, we will approve you to bid.
CIA Industrial reserves the right to reject Bidders at their sole discretion.
Removal information will be posted approx. 2 weeks before each sale, please check back then. If you have any questions that need to be answered prior to that please call or email us.
Payment Information
Accepted methods of payment for deposits and invoices
Terms & Conditions
All bidders and attendees must agree to these terms of sale